Our commercial team worked with 13 of the most interesting clients to do all kinds of things…
Our work with Hampshire Hub actually educates residents so they make more successful applications.
Not only is it much easier to browse than the usual bunch of PDFs, but it’s also optimised so that planning applications are more likely to show up in search engine results.
With Socrata, we provided open data about cycling for wider reuse.
That data’s going to feed in to planning decisions that make the roads safer for everyone - cyclists, pedestrians and drivers. And all with a repurposed version of FixMyStreet.
Sticking high prices on life-saving medicines? We don't think that flies. So, with Médecins Sans Frontiers, we paved the way to help people challenge medicine patents.
With FullFact, making sure you got the truth, and nothing but the truth, prior to the election.
Vague, duplicitous or downright untruthful statements? No, no, no! We’ll have none of that here.
Welcome to Greenwich and Camden who now join the councils running FixMyStreet on their own websites.
Yay for easy report making.
But those councils didn’t just buy a finished product - they also get an active say in how FixMyStreet develops.
Did we ever tell you how much we love our work?
Need a gorgeous user-centric digital tool? You know where to find us.